Sunday, August 24, 2008

for the first time in...20 years??

so most, if not all, of you know that i've now graduated from college and will not be going back to school. at least not in the fall...hopefully the spring. first time in 20's definitely the weirdest feeling in the world. people around me, left and right, are all preparing to go back. everyone's excited, there's lots of back-to-school shopping involved, and the new semester gives everyone a fresh start.

for the first time in 4 years, i'm not moving in to a dorm room. even weirder. instead, i'm currently "renovating" my room at home. moving back in after 4 years in college is gonna be an interesting ride...not sure how things are gonna be. but it's alright...i went to ikea today with the 'rents and we bought a bunch of stuff...hopefully i can get everything done in the next 2 weeks. i need to paint, clean everything (vacuum, wipe, dust, mop, the works), unpack all my stuff after 4 years (everything's in boxes or plastic drawers), and rearrange all the furniture + the new stuff i bought. then i need to decorate. yeesh, it's gonna be a rough 2 weeks. hope to get it done by...september 5th!

on another note, guess who the running roots champs are? yep...we won :) too bad this year we decided to play for a boston team (cornerstone church) year maybe we'll start a new york team with all-stars and give boston a run for their money :P

have fun with the start of the new semester, kiddies. be good, and study hard! everyone else, let's hang out :)

Monday, August 18, 2008

how to lose lots of money

i went to foxwoods on my way home from rhode island with my family tonight.

i sat with my grandma at the slot machines while she played, and since i was bored, i decided to put $10 in. that was the minimum.

i lost it all in 2 minutes. literally.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

bad dreams?

the last 2 or 3 times i've been home, i've been sleeping on my own bed with all the sheets on and everything. when i wake up in the morning, the sheets are all completely off my mattress and everything is all tangled. not sure why.

this morning, i woke up and the sheets were still on, so i proudly told my parents. this was their response:
me: my sheets are still on my bed!!!
dad: isn't that normal...?
me: yea, so what. i'm still proud.
mom: does that mean you didn't sleep??

only my parents. haha, funny to me, maybe not so much to you.

anyway, off to rhode island i go :)

Monday, August 11, 2008

underwear on head + hail storm?!

i wore underwear on my head today to camp for a short period of time. real underwear. yes, i looked dumb. but why?
because i'm arrogant. haha. i went bowling with my campers and 3 other counselors on friday, and one of my counselors and i decided to bet against the two other counselors. whoever had the lowest combined score would have to wear underwear on their head for the morning until pool time. this meant in front of the kids. my team had one the first game (no bets made), so we figured we could just easily snatch the second game. our arrogance got to us and we ended up getting whooped. what hustlers. anyway, lesson learned. don't need to wear underwear anymore.

in other news, there was a freaking HAIL STORM today?? some time in the morning, what started as your normal summer thunderstorm quickly turned ugly and fierce. before we knew it, leaves were quickly blowing by and we could NOT see through the windows outside. i've never seen a storm as bad as this one, and i could understand why my campers were scared. (imagine being anxious and having to witness a crazy storm). anyway, one of the windows was open in one of the rooms, and one of the teachers managed to scoop a couple of pieces of hail (pretty big chunks of ice) in. it was crazy. when the storm finally let up, leaves were EVERYWHERE. yes, everywhere. and there was ice all over the floor!!! it looked like it was snowing. crazy...who knew that could happen in august??

gosh, interesting day of events today. and 6 more days of camp left. very sad...i feel like there's been a lot of "ends" to things in the last couple of months, and it's been tough to deal with. soon everyone is going to go back to school, but not me. for the first time since i was 2 or 3, i am not starting school in september. it's really a weird feeling -_-

eh. peace out, homefries. and stay dry :)