Sunday, June 29, 2008

the opportunity of a lifetime

camp started this past week, and after the first three days, i am pooped beyond imaginable. adjusting to waking up at 530am to get to work by 645am gets pretty exhausting when you're also leaving work around 7pm everyday. hopefully this week gets better though, and i can start being a normal human being again.

this camp is beyond all my expectations for it. prior to the start, i thought i was real smart and knew a lot about adhd kids and how to handle them. it's a horribly big misconception, and incredibly difficult to understand until you're actually in the roll. the whole camp has 49 kids only, and there are 30 counselors. most would think that the ratio is already pretty good, but it's not enough! many of these kids need one on one attention, and it gets really crazy when you've got a bunch of them running around. eesh.

i wish that everyone of you can have this opportunity to spend time with these kids. it's been the toughest thing i've ever had to do, but i feel so blessed to be able to do this. hah, some of you reading this may be getting confused. you're all used to the easily frustrated and easily annoyed me that would make you wonder if this is right for me, but i'd like to say that i'm pretty different when i'm with them. i constantly feel like i'm on a high during the day, like there's no better feeling in the world. anger, frustration, and low tolerance goes out the door. i'm leaning more and more towards teaching special ed as my profession - it's tough as hell, but i'm excited. being with these kids make me come alive :D

hope everyone is having a great summer. apologies for not being around -_-


schangster said...

thats so awesome, karen!
i'm so glad that you love your job.
oh camp starts tomorrow. i'll prob be on the same tired boat as you. lets hang in there together. hahaha

on the way said...

i know exactly what u r TALKING ABOUT! i remember myself walking out of IS 131 (where i student taught) and could not help SMILING... kids excited me (at least they used to, well , actually they still)
cannot wait to work with u. Ms. Leung!

Josh said...

i'm happy that you're happy. :D

Christine said...

aw, karen! i'm so excited that God is leading you as you go through this experience. may He continue to stretch and bless you through this time. i miss you, ex-wifey!