Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sunday, April 27, 2008

all growed up

this week is my last week of classes as an undergrad student. i am scared. and anxious.

cas graduation @ msg - may 11th
all university graduation @ yankee stadium - may 14th
basileia - may 17th - 22nd
work: may 29th - august 19th

i'm excited. God has lots planned for me...i know it :D

Monday, April 21, 2008


just warning all of you...i have a long post (think: a book) coming about everything that i've learned, both about myself and about life, in the past year.

oh yea, just to share with y'all for now...i've started to pick up playing guitar. it's harder than you think to pick up an instrument when you're 22! anyone have any suggestions of how to grow calluses on your finger faster? my fingers already feel like they're bleeding to death...

enjoy the awesome weather :D

Friday, April 11, 2008

asian eyes stink! -_-

so everyone has heard of the stories of asian eyes. we only have single eyelids (unless we're lucky), and we envy those that have double eyelids, since the world has taught us that it looks "better" and "prettier." some people even have surgery to get that fold in their eyelid. stinky, right?

well i grew up with a single eyelid. never really had a problem with it, either. i didn't really care to have a double eyelid. however, i would notice that when i got really tired and didn't get enough sleep, my eyes would fold over and it would look like i had a double eyelid.

somehow, in the last month, my right eye has magically become a double eyelid. instead of saying OH YAY i look hot now, i have to live with the fact that my eyes are uneven. my left eye is still stubbornly a single eyelid.

so for those that see me and notice that my eyes are different, try not to say anything. i know it looks weird, get over it. i just need to pray that my left eye will eventually "grow" another eyelid.

damn asian eyes...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

summer plans!

this summer, i'll be working at a camp for kids who have extreme cases of adhd. this means no spending 2.5 weeks in hawaii as i originally had planned to. this may also mean an end to my social life (or not, since i'd have a car).

there's 4 weeks of training in LI (i get to drive :D), and then 8 weeks of the actual camp in the bronx.
it's going to be 10-12 hour days (not including travel time), and it's going to be exhausting and energy-zapping, but it'll be such an awesome experience.

please pray for me as i am still trying to figure out my living and travel arrangements. this is an AWESOME opportunity that i don't want to pass up, but at the same time, it might kill me, both physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

btw, does anyone wanna take me in for the summer? :P